


This project was created to fulfill the requirements of a first term module for the MA in Design for Interactive Media at Middlesex University. The project had to be about a submarine. I made a animated recreation of the sinking of the Lusitania using Flash. The main challenge was to come up with a different take on the event than the famous (in animation circles) version created in 1918 by American animator Winsor McCay. I researched one of the passengers aboard, a millionaire by the name of Mr Alfred G. Vanderbilt, and built a different story around him. Above are a variety of stills from the early part of the film. The end of the animation has a click through to take you through to his life story.

Three things

Three Things

Three things


The opening project of my MA in Design for Interactive Media was to make a narrative from tree unrelated objects. These were a Holy Mary medallion, an imaginary world and a mother practicing “The Sound of Music”.  In the stills above, taken from the Flash animation,  you can’t hear the sound of music but you can see a world without Julie Andrews.